When is the best time to drink wheatgrass juice? - Britt's Superfoods

When is the best time to drink wheatgrass juice?


However we recommend drinking wheatgrass juice before 6pm, this is because you get an energy boost from dinking wheatgrass juice and if you drink it any later, you may find you are vacuuming instead of sleeping!!

Wheatgrass juice is a fantastic energy enhancer, so if you take it first thing in the morning it can give you the energy you need to get through the day. If you find you often have a slump in the afternoon, try taking a wheatgrass shot about 1 hour that usual the slump - and wait to feel the difference! 

If you suffer from digestive or stomach issues taking wheatgrass juice on an empty stomach can soothe the lining of the stomach and support your health. In fact, as well as giving you an energy boost, wheatgrass juice is great at aiding general improved performance. Learn more about how it can help you by clicking here.

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