What is the number 1 healthiest food in the world?
The question of the number 1 healthiest food in the world is the subject of much debate. Almonds, spinach, kale, wheatgrass, legumes (ie beans, peas and lentils)… they’ve all been hailed as the title holders!
The fact is that there is no one type of food that will supply our bodies with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to function at its maximum efficiently. The best way to support maximum health is by eating a balanced diet comprised of a variety of nutrient-rich foods.
Our raw live wheatgrass juice can be an important component of such a diet, as it is packed with nutrients. It contains very high levels of chlorophyll – more than any other green vegetable– plus vitamins A, B5, B12 and E.
Just one serving a day can help:
- Fight fatigue
- Increase energy levels
- Improve overall physical and mental performance
- Boost the immune system
- Support healthy skin, hair and vision
- Improve red blood cell production
We offer a 110% money-back guarantee on your first one-month order if you don’t feel the health benefits within one month, so if you haven’t tried our delicious organic wheatgrass juice before, why not place an order here today and experience its goodness for yourself?