Top 6 Signs of Celiac Disease - Is your body trying to send you a warning ? and how to take control
Are any of these symptoms familiar to you or your loved ones?
- Recurring headaches or migraines
- Fatigue and body weakness
- Skin disorders, rashes, or allergies
- Moodiness, depression, anxiety, and fluctuating mental-emotional states
- Recurring infections
- Digestive discomfort or pain
These are the most common symptoms of celiac disease.
The more damaged intestinal tissue is, the more you will need to limit your diet.
When You feel the Symptoms of Celiac Disease, Pay Attention!
Celiac disease is more common than you think.
The last four decades have seen a drastic increase in the number of celiac cases per year. In recent years, it is not uncommon to find markets and even restaurants advertising gluten-free options.
Even something as small as constant headaches or fatigue could be a common symptom of celiac disease. You can protect your body from the damage caused by celiac disease by calming the inflammatory response. Heal the gut and regulate the immune system with green juices, a daily probiotic, omega3 oils and stop eating gluten-containing products.
Studies point out that:
- Five times as many Europeans and Americans have celiac disease today than in the 1950s.
- Coeliac disease is not a food allergy or an intolerance, it is an autoimmune disease. In coeliac disease, eating gluten causes the lining of the small intestine to become damaged and other parts of the body may also be affected.
- An estimated two-and-a-half million Americans remain undiagnosed and at risk for long-term health problems.
- 83 percent of people who have celiac disease are believed to have other undiagnosed or misdiagnosed medical issues.
There is no medical cure for celiac disease - a gluten-free diet is the only "prescribed" treatment available.
With stats like these, it is important to ask questions!
Celiac disease is a gateway disease. In other words, the chronic inflammation and gut permeability pave the way for other serious conditions to arise.
These are health issues like:
- Dementia
- Osteoporosis
- Other autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, which can literally wipe out the endocrine system
What exactly is celiac disease?
It is possible that, at first, symptoms of celiac disease may not be apparent:
- Bloating
- Gas
- Spasms and pain migrating around the abdominal area
- Alternating diarrhoea and constipation
The Importance of Taking Steps Early
Because poor digestion can seem like a minor thing, it can take a while to get a diagnosis, in fact the average celiac diagnosis takes roughly four years. As the risk of developing other autoimmune disorders, osteoporosis, neurological issues, and cancer increases with each year nothing is done to improve the disease, it is very important to act early if you have any of the symptoms listed above.
It is very unfortunate that the doctors can only diagnose Celiac when the disease has progressed rather far and it is then very difficult to heal the condition. This is why it is so important to act early, as there is much that can be done to heal the gut wall during the beginning stages of the disease.
A simple rule of thumb: If your body shows any reaction to a food or drink, in the digestive tract or elsewhere, do not consume it. Keeping a food diary can help you determine which foods your body reacts to.
4 key steps you can take to help prevent and improve Celiac Disease.
Eating a good quality of probiotics containing beneficial bacteria can heal the inflammation of the gut lining and support a healthy immune response.
Eating for health actually feels good. The more damaged intestinal tissue is, the more you will need to ensure you are on the right diet. By turning down the inflammatory response in your body, healing the gut, and regulating the immune system, you can actually halt the progressive degeneration associated with celiac disease. Therefore:
1. Stop eating any gluten containing foods (bread, pasta, bulgur, couscous)
2. Take daily a good quality probiotic
3. Introduce Green juices to your diet.
4. Get a very good Omega3 oil (read more here about the oil we recommend).
Wheatgrass and Barleygrass Juice contain a potent form of glutamine that has been shown to rebuild intestinal microvilli. The large number of antioxidants will also improve and strengthen the immune system.
Wheatgrass and Barleygrass Juice therefore:
- Helps heal Leaky Gut with key ingredients that help rebuild the lining of the intestines
- Strengthens immunity so you feel more energetic and vibrant
- Offers an excellent source of complete nutrition - easily assimilated protein, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, lignans, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids,
- Remember Wheatgrass and Barleygrass Juice is Gluten Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free, Organic & Vegan :)!
- Both are glutenfree because we harvest when it is only grass. The gluten containing corn develops much later and is therefore NOT present in the juice.
- Both are rich in antioxidants and an excellent source of B-12
- Detoxifies the body to help maintain a healthy weight
- AND mixed with a bit of apple juice these SuperFood Green taste great!