Healthy seasonal snacks for all the family - Britt's Superfoods

Healthy seasonal snacks for all the family

The festive season is traditionally a time for fun and getting together with family and friends. And so it also tends to be the time when we overindulge and regret it later.

Of course, we all want to enjoy ourselves but by making a few little changes we can have plenty of enjoyment with a lot less guilt.

Try our healthy festive snacks and we bet you won’t even miss the less healthy ones.

Seasonal breakfast bars

For this, you will need:

  • Oats (200g)
  • Pecans (60g)
  • Pistachio (60g)
  • Cashews (60g)
  • Dried apricots (200g)
  • Ginger (an inch grated)
  • Dark chocolate (80g)
  • Coconut oil (100g)
  • And Britt’s Superfoods organic apple ginger and turmeric juice (1 sachet).

You can also add maple syrup if you want a sweeter taste. But we wanted to keep it healthy, and feel the apricots and chocolate are sweet enough. Put all the ingredients except the chocolate into a blender and mix.

Then put into cookie cutters to get seasonal shapes and place in the fridge to cool. Once cold you can dip into the melted chocolate and leave to cool again. A great festive treat that will keep you and the family full and happy!

Pitta Christmas trees

All you need is some:

  • Wholemeal pitta bread,
  • Avocado
  • Pretzel sticks and some imagination.

Cut the pitta into triangles and make an avocado topping. We mixed ours with a little wheatgrass to give it a greener colour - and a few more nutrients!

Put some of the avocado between the two sides of the pitta bread to hold it together and insert half a pretzel stick into the bottom to make your tree.

Then simply decorate with your smashed avocado mix and whichever toppings you like - we used peppers and tomatoes. Simple, healthy and something all the family can enjoy.

Seasonal pizza

Looking for a quick treat that the kids can help make? This could be the answer.
Simply roll some wholewheat pizza dough and use cookie cutters to cut it into shapes.

We added pesto and wheatgrass topping for the trees with some garlic cream cheese baubles. And for the stars, some organic tomato sauce and grated cheese. These only took ten minutes to bake so are quick and easy when you're swamped with other Christmas tasks. 

Cranberry & Chestnut Falafel

Packed with antioxidant cranberries and filling chestnuts, these are sure to make their way into your regular seasonal repertoire.

You will need:

  • 1 cubed sweet potato
  • 2 sachets of Britt’s Superfoods Elixir Vitality Juice
  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1 egg
  • 200g cranberries
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • 2 tsp coriander
  • Vegetable oil and seasoning.

Start by cooking the sweet potato and draining well to get rid of any excess moisture. Then blitz cranberries, chickpeas, garlic and chestnuts in a food processor until relatively smooth.

Add herbs, spices and seasoning and form into small patties. Shallow fry these in vegetable oil for a couple of minutes on each side until golden brown.

Brussel sprout burgers

Once you have tried them you will never think of Brussel Sprouts in the same way again. You will need:

  • Brussel sprouts
  • Baby tomatoes
  • Cheese of your choice (mozzarella, brie and stilton work well)
  • 1 sachet of Britt's Superfoods wheatgrass juice
  • A handful of pine nuts
  • 1 garlic clove and cream cheese.

Start by making your wheatgrass pesto. Mix wheatgrass juice with toasted pine nuts, garlic and blitz until smooth. Add to a little cream cheese until you have a smooth paste.

In the meantime, half the Brussel sprouts and place them in the oven with a little olive oil until they are roasted for about 15 minutes. When cool paste together with wheatgrass pesto, cheese and tomato into a mini burger.

Date Salami

This sweet treat has no added sugar and is fancy enough to be served at any gathering.

You will need:

  • 1 sachet Britt's superfoods Ginger, turmeric & apple juice
  • 8 dates
  • 2 tablespoons melted coconut oil,
  • 64g cashews
  • 64g pistachio
  • 40g almonds
  • 32g shredded coconut.

Start by soaking the dates for ten minutes in warm water and then add these, the superfood juice and coconut oil to a food processor and puree until a soft paste.

Add chopped nuts and coconut and mix until combined. Move to a sheet of clingfilm and roll into a sausage shape. Place in the fridge to harden, then cut when ready to serve.

Beetroot sling

This elegant mocktail is sure to become a new favourite. Made with our beetroot and maqui juice, ginger ale, orange juice and honey it tastes as good as it looks!

Beetroot is known to be a good energiser and is a great source of fibre. Mixed with the Vitamin C benefits of the orange juice, the antioxidant-rich honey, and the digestive qualities in the ginger ale, you can enjoy this drink knowing that it's good for you.

You will need:

  • 2 Britt’s Superfoods beetroot and maqui sachets
  • 1 orange squeezed
  • 1 teaspoon of honey and Ginger ale to mix
  • Mix and enjoy.

Santa’s Energy Boost

Help Santa on his way with this energy-boosting drink, antioxidant-rich juice.
You will need:

  • 2 slices of pineapple,
  • 1 pomegranate,
  • 1 carton of cranberries,
  • 2 sachets Britt's Superfoods ginger, turmeric and apple juice.

Start by blending the cranberries and pomegranate seeds in a juicer and then strain the juice through a muslin cloth. It's a fantastic way to get the antioxidant benefits of these berries without the added sugars of most-read made juices.

Once you have the strained juice add pineapple and Britt's Superfoods sachets to the blender and if needed, add a little water to achieve the right consistency.

We hope you like our healthy festive treats. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram where new recipes are posted every week.

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