Does Wheatgrass juice increase haemoglobin?
Wheatgrass juice is juiced freshly sprouted leaves of the wheat plant. It contains one of the highest sources of chlorophyll of any green vegetable and as chlorophyll helps accelerate the growth of red blood cells, this in turn increase the levels of haemoglobin.
Wheatgrass juice is often called “green blood” due to its high chlorophyll content which accounts for 70% of its chemical constituents. It contains a plethora of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and vital enzymes. Its high chlorophyll content bears structural similarity to haemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in our blood. and has been found to regenerate or act as a substitute of haemoglobin in haemoglobin deficiency conditions.
Studies have shown that wheatgrass juice consumption will improve the Haemoglobin levels among anaemic adolescent females. Also studies show that wheatgrass juice appears to play a promising role in children with thalassemia receiving chronic blood transfusions .
Wheatgrass juice is an excellent blood tonic, increasing the haemoglobin content of the blood and improving oxygen transport, it is therefore helpful for people suffering anaemia.
Apart from being a blood builder, wheatgrass juice is also a blood purifier greatly assisting in the removal of waste products of the body because of its ‘detergent’ properties.
To order you outdoor grown , organic wheatgrass juice visit our shop here today.