Berry Delight Recipe - Britt's Superfoods

Berry Delight Recipe

About The Recipe:

This is super simple and using a blender it literally takes seconds. We use frozen berries for this, but obviously if they are in season you can use fresh.
Nutritional benefits of berries are numerous, such as high in antioxidants, effective blood cleansers, energy givers and can help relieve diarrhoea.
Raspberries help remove mucus and toxins from your system and are a wonderful food to help boost your concentration levels, much needed in the mornings and afternoons!
Strawberries have been noted for the prevention of cancer.


1 Pack of Mixed Frozen Berries
2 shots of Frozen Wheatgrass Juice


Take the mixed frozen berries and wheatgrass juice, add a little water if necessary and blitz with a blender until mixed.
Divide amongst your ice cube trays and simply freeze.



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