Five fantastic Kale recipes
This leafy green cruciferous vegetable is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet and is becoming more and more popular. High in antioxidants and a good source of Vitamins A, C and K, it has many nutritional benefits and is extremely versatile. Part of the brassica family there are many ways to enjoy it, here are our favourite 5:
Detox Kale & Sprout Salad
Packed with nutrients and flavour, this easy to prepare dish is great when entering or leaving a detox of just when you fancy something tasty.
You will need:
1/2 lemon ( squeezed)
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 shallots( minced)
2 garlic cloves( minced)
2 handfuls of kale
big handful of Brussels sprouts
handful of almonds
2 tablespoons grated Pecorino cheese
1/2 cup olive oil
1 sachet Britt's Superfoods organic wheatgrass juice
Start by mixing shallots, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, mustard and wheatgrass juice and allow to infuse.
Remove kale from stalks and chop, also chop Brussels sprouts finely. Add a tiny bit of olive oil to the pan and toast almonds, watching carefully ( Takes about a minute). Remove from pan add pecorino and simply combine all ingredients to enjoy.
Start by preheating the oven to 150 degrees and lining the baking sheet with greaseproof paper. Wash kale and remove stalks and pat dry. Put Kale into a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and seasoning, we enjoy zaatar, pepper or simply a little salt. Place on a baking tray and cook for about 20. Minutes until cooked but still green. Crunchy and delicious, even the children will enjoy their greens.
Vegan Kale Pesto
Nutrient-rich, easy to make and tastes good with everything!
You will need:
2 Britt's Superfoods wheatgrass juice sachets
Handful of basil
3 large garlic cloves
2 big handfuls of kale
3 Tbsp nuts (we used almonds)
1/2 lemon juiced
3 Tbsp olive oil
Salt & pepper to taste
Add everything except the oil into a blender and blitz until fine, add olive oil to achieve the right consistency. If needed water can be added to make it smoother.
Start by tearing leaves from the stalks of the kale and then steam for about 5 minutes until softened. Allow to cool and then add all ingredients to a mixer and combine. Transfer to the fried to cool and enjoy with vegetable crudites.
Kale and pineapple juice
Bursting with antioxidants, fibre and Vitamins C, K and B this juice is as tasty as it is healthy. We used a Britt’s Superfoods Kale, Reishi & Maca juice sachet for some added flavour and convenience.:
You will need:
I Britt’s Superfoods Kale, Reishi & Maca sachet
2 slices of fresh pineapple
Splash of apple juice
Simply blend all ingredients together and enjoy.
A simple way to enjoy the benefits of Kale is with our organic Kale superfood juice. Available as pure Kale or blended with Reishi and Maca.We deliver frozen straight to your door for the utmost convenience. To order simply visit our shop here today.