What is the PH of wheatgrass juice? - Britt's Superfoods

What is the PH of wheatgrass juice?

The PH of wheatgrass juice is around 7.4 which makes it very similar to that of blood. This means that it is extremely alkaline, helping to balance the PH levels in the body and improve the function of various organs. It is often referred to as green blood due to its similar structure.

Containing high levels of Vitamins, A, B5, B12 & E wheatgrass juice is high in nutrients and low in calories and contains up to 70% chlorophyll, which is an important blood builder.

Wheatgrass juice gets quickly absorbed in the blood and carries high levels of oxygen which is especially powerful in assisting the body to restore abnormalities. It is often used to treat blood disorders such as anaemia and thalassemia.

To order your green blood and give yourself a boost, visit our shop here today.

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